86.8% Traffic Increased From Just 94 High-quality Links

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It’s one of the leading providers of market intelligence solutions, empowering businesses with actionable insights derived from consumer data.

With a strong online presence, they wanted to enhance their digital visibility and increase website traffic to further solidify their position as an industry leader.

They had enough traffic, but it was increasing slowly. The client then contacted us in August 2023, and we began building the links.

Our goal was to create a strong and authentic network of links to establish credibility in a fiercely competitive field.

After just 1 month of creating natural links from real businesses, we saw a 12% increase in traffic.

Client Objectives:

  • Increase organic traffic to their website.
  • Improve search engine rankings for key industry-related keywords.
  • Enhance online visibility and brand awareness within the target market.

Strategy Implemented by Avija Digital:

Upon partnering with them in August, we devised a comprehensive link building strategy tailored to meet the client’s objectives. The strategy focused on the following key elements:

In-depth Analysis: We conducted a thorough analysis of their existing backlink profile, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement.

Targeted Outreach: Leveraging industry expertise and established relationships, Avija Digital conducted targeted outreach campaigns to acquire high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites within their niche.

Content Creation: We also created compelling, shareable content tailored to resonate with their target audience. This content served as valuable assets for link acquisition and contributed to enhancing their online presence.

Diversified Link Building: We employed a diversified approach to link building, acquiring links through guest blogging, resource page inclusion, niche edits, and other white-hat techniques, ensuring a natural and sustainable link profile.

Results Achieved:

-> 94 Links

-> 86.8% Traffic increased

-> 133.45% Referring domain growth

-> Traffic Value from $24841 to $55612.

-> In 10 Months

Since the initiation of Avija Digital’s link building campaign in August, they have witnessed significant improvements in key performance metrics:

Link Acquisition: (94 Links)

We successfully secured a total of 94 high-quality backlinks for them within the span of a 10 months, augmenting the client’s link profile with authoritative and relevant links.

Domain Rating: (Steady Growth 4%)

The DR for this domain was already high, and it is difficult to increase it. Nonetheless, we succeeded in increasing the DR from 81 to 84.

Targeted Pages and KWs: (More than 22000% growth in all the pages)

We had to target their top 20 pages.

Some of their pages and KWs are below. All of the pages have experienced significant increases in organic traffic.

  1. marketing/market-research-companies-uk (Keyword – Market Research)
  1. marketing/generation-z-characteristics (Keyword – Gen Z audience)
  1. marketing/data-storytelling (Keyword – Data storytelling)

Traffic Growth: (86.8% Traffic Growth)

Our link-building efforts have resulted in a significant increase in organic traffic to their website. In August, their website traffic was 47,212, which has increased to an impressive 88,302 in May 2024.

The average organic traffic value total increased from $24841 to $55612.

Enhanced Visibility:

By obtaining valuable backlinks from credible sources, we increased their online visibility and brand recognition in the target market, establishing the client as an industry authority.


Our partnership with them exemplifies the efficacy of strategic link building in driving tangible results and achieving client objectives.

Through targeted outreach, content creation, and diversified link acquisition techniques, Avija Digital not only enhanced their online visibility but also significantly increased organic traffic to the client’s website.

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